-NIEA Finalist and BRAG Medallion Author-
Washington state author H.M. Jones is an N.I.E.A finalist and B.R.A.G medallion honoree. She writes poetry, new adult, young adult, fantasy, sci-fi and speculative fiction. In her spare time she loves to cosplay with her two favorite geeklets, sing to her chickens and dance haphazardly around the house while talking to characters she hasn’t written yet.
Her dog worries for her.
Her newest release will be Pickering Place, a coming-of-age romcom romp based on Jane Austen's gothic parody, Northanger Abbey. Buy it December 2023!

Ms. Jones has written a dark, Alice in Wonderland styled story that will touch your heart [...] Once I began this unique exploration I could not stop, reading the book in only a couple of sittings. I believe any reader would find it difficult to do otherwise.
Review of Monochrome by Dennis Larson
This felt like Assassin's Creed meets Wanted meets Da Vinci Code, supernatural style. It was full of wonderfully done action scenes, information that left you puzzling things out, and more twists than a licorice stick. The possible slow-burn romance took a backseat in the book, but I look forward to seeing how it plays out. It sucked me in from page one and I can't wait to see what happens next!
Amazon Review for The Immortals